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How to Re-seed a Torrent If You Deleted Or Renamed The Completed File.

Here are the simple steps through which you can easily make a completed downloaded torrent to seed again for others to download the torrent quickly.


  1. Go to the site from where did you downloaded the torrent.
  2. Try to Download the same torrent again.
  3. When it ask in Bit torrent/U torrent for Place to save the file.
  4. Tell it to save in the exact same folder Where the completed torrent is stored. Then click OK.
    (e.g if the completed file folder name is ''windows 7'' then in bit-torrent the folder name should also be ''windows 7'')
  5. If you have selected exactly the same folder then it will check for how much the file is completed.
  6. It definitely complete to 100%. And automatically start to seed.

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